

Cognitive Science Department Assistant Professor Position Opening

One Assistant Professor Position open in METU Cognitive Science until filled March 2019

Middle East Technical University Cognitive Science department seeks applicants for assistant professorship position (Dr. Öğretim Üyesi) in Cognitive Science. Eligible candidates must be Turkish citizens. Benefits (lodging, start up grants, kindergarten etc.) are potentially available if eligible and desired.

Candidates must hold a PhD in cognitive science or one of the fields in cognitive science, including computer science, computer engineering, linguistics, philosophy and psychology. Other candidates can be considered if they have a strong international research record in cognitive science.

Candidates must have a strong research record in modeling of large to massive data in an area within or closely related to cognitive science.  Duties include publishing high quality research, teaching two courses per term, advising MSc students in the department for thesis and graduation projects, advising PhD students if there is track record of having advised MSc theses earlier, participation in department’s activities and committees, seeking grant applications for research in cognitive science nationwide and internationally, and efforts to establish laboratories for research.  The department has granted 131 MSc theses and 28 PhDs in the last twenty years.

A search committee will evaluate the applications; final appointment approval pending on university and YÖK decision. For consideration please contact with research portfolio and cover letter.

Announcement Category

Thesis defense - YASER YURTCAN

Graduate School of Informatics /Information Systems

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of YASER YURTCAN will defend his thesis.

Title: Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Noisy Speech Recognition For Mobile Devices

Date: 12th February 2019

Time: 10:30 AM

Place: A-212

Abstract: Communication is important for people. There are many available communication methods. One of the most effective methods is through the use of speech. People can comfortably express their feelings and thoughts by using speech. However, some people may have a hearing problem. Furthermore, understanding spoken words in a noisy environment could be a challenge even for healthy people. Speech recognition systems enable real-time speech to text conversion. They mainly involve capturing of the sound waves and converting them into meaningful texts.

The use of speech recognition on mobile devices has been possible with the development of cloud systems. However, delivering a robust and low error rate speech recognition system in a noisy environment still is a major problem. In this study, different speech samples have been recorded using a compact microphone array in noisy environments and a data set has been created by processing them through a real-time noise cancellation algorithm. A portable design of a mobile system with noise cancellation hardware and software was proposed to convert spoken words to a meaningful text.

Comprehensive tests were performed on several clean, noisy and denoised speech samples to measure the speech recognition performance of different cloud systems, noise robustness of the proposed system, the effect of gender on the speech recognition performance, and the performance improvement. The experimental results show that the proposed system provides good performance even in a noisy environment. It is also inferred from the results that in order to apply speech recognition using cloud based systems on mobile devices, the noise level has to be low or real-time noise cancellation algorithms are needed. The proposed system improves speech recognition accuracy in noisy environments. Thus, the achieved performance and portable design together enable the system to be used in daily life.

Synopsis: The aim of this study is to improve noisy speech recognition performance on mobile
devices. This study approaches the problem as a system design issue and integrates
suitable hardware and software components to achieve the desired results. The proposed system is described in detail, explain the specifications of the noise cancellation algorithm used, state reasons of selected transfer media and describe an application of speech recognition. Detailed results are provided and discussed. Therefore, improving the existing noise cancellation or speech recognition algorithms is beyond the scope of this thesis.

Announcement Category

Cybersecurity Department Applications of Transfer from M.S. Non-Thesis to M.S. Thesis

Cybersecurity Department Applications of Transfer from MSc Non-Thesis to MScThesis are evaluated  and the names of the candidates who are eligible for the transfer to the Thesis Master program are given below.


Announcement Category

2024-2025 Fall Semester Course Programs and Section Information

Announcement Category

To the attention of Candidates who will apply to the Information Systems M.S. and Ph.D. Programs

2019-2020 eğitim öğretim yılı Güz dönemi için Bilişim Sistemleri EABD Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Programlarına başvurucak adaylar ön elemeyi geçtikten sonra 26 Haziran 2019-01 Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasında mülakata alınacaktır.


Announcement Category

Orientation Meetings

Dear Students,

There will be orientation and information meetings for new students who will be registered for 2018-2019 2nd semester.

Meetings' informations are given below.

Health Informatics Ph.D., M.S. and Bioinformatics M.S Prorams

In class II-02 on Monday, 11 February 2019 at 10:00 am

The following forms, which will be provided by us to the attending students , will be filled on the same day together with the administrative advisors.


Öğrenci Bilgi Formu/Student Information Form

Öğrenci Not formu/Student Grade Form

Bilimsel Hazırlık Formu/Scientific Preparation Form


In order to complete the forms mentioned above, our students are required to bring the following documents to the meeting.

1 Adet vesikalık resim/1 passport picture

1 Transcript (Undergraduate and Masters Transcript for Ph.D.)


* Participation is mandatory for the meeting. We congratulate our new students and wish them success.

Announcement Category

Medical Informatics Department Ph.D. and M.S. Interview Results

As a result of the interviews for Medical Informatics Department M.S. and Ph.D. Programs 2018-2019 Spring Semester, the names of students who are accepted into the programs are listed below.

* For our accepted students, there will be an orientation meeting before the interactive registration. The place and date of the meeting will be anounced later in our web page.


Ozan Fırat Özgül (Deficiency Program)


Anıl Berk Delikaya (Deficiency Program)

Announcement Category

Bioinformatics Master Program Interview Results

As a result of the interviews for Bioinformatics Master Program 2018-2019 Spring Semester, the names of students who are accepted into the programs are listed below.

* For our accepted students, there will be an orientation meeting before the interactive registration. The place and date of the meeting will be anounced later in our web page.

Faruk Tolga Bayazıt (Deficiency Program)

Kaan Büyükaltay (Deficiency Program)

Bengisu Kevser Bulduk (Deficiency Program)

Nurgül Karyağış 

Announcement Category

Software Management Secondary Education MSc Non-Thesis Program Admission Results

In the result of Academic council decision for Software Management MSc Non-Thesis Program for the 2018-2019 Spring Semester, the names of the students who are accepted to the program are as follows:

Soyadı Adı

Announcement Category

Bioinformatics M.S. Program Interview Schedule

As a result of the applications for Health Informatics Department Bioinformatics M.S. Program for 2018-2019 Spring semester,

interviews will be held on Wenesday, January 16, 2019.

Candidates listed below who are invited to the interviews are expected to be present in front of the Informatics Institute Conference Room-2 at 9:00.

Faruk Tolga Bayazıt

Bengisu Kevser Bulduk

Kaan Büyükaltay

Nurgül Karyağış

Ali Haydar Sivri

Announcement Category


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